Posts Tagged ‘Infinity Plus’

New Book: The Emoticon Generation now on Amazon

December 12, 2012

My newest book, The Emoticon Generation, has just been published.

You can find it on Amazon:

And Smashwords:

And Kobo:

Here’s what the book is about, taken from the back cover:

Guy Hasson’s The Emoticon Generation features seven stories about life-changes brought about by our new electronic generation: stories that blur the borders between our world and science fiction, stories that make you ask, ‘Has this already happened? Is that actually true?’

In this collection you’ll find a man who, after losing his fiancée to a terrible accident, seeks to learn if true love really exists; a girl, hardly a teen, who searches for her father only to learn a terrible truth about herself; a man who wants to immortalize his genius but ends up tricking himself out of it; an old hero whose entire life unravels when the truth about his heroic act is revealed; a harmless birthday gift that triggers a profound search into the depths of a young couple’s relationship; and more.

Guy Hasson is one of the freshest new science fiction authors out there, with a knack for finding the human heart in the biggest ideas.

The Emoticon Generation by Guy Hasson

The Emoticon Generation by Guy Hasson

‘The Emoticon Generation’ Cover Revealed

November 15, 2012

The Emoticon Generation is coming out in December by Infinity Plus, and finally we can reveal the cover:


The Emoticon Generation by Guy Hasson

The Emoticon Generation by Guy Hasson


More details about the book coming soon to a blog near  you.

Online Story: Her Destiny

March 22, 2010

Her Destiny

When Tony met the perfect woman, it felt like destiny. But one day he gets a glimpse of what true destiny really is.

Online Story: The Dark Side

March 22, 2010

The Dark Side

Our hero decides to explore scientifically what happens after we die… by taking people with him.