Posts Tagged ‘writing’

Article: Why I Write About Women

May 11, 2011

The online magazine Flames Rising has a new article of mine called Why I Write About Women.

I started my career as a playwright, not as an author.

A long time ago, when I was twenty-four, I wrote an intimate one-woman play. The actress needed to play four women characters in extremely unstable emotional situations. I gave it to a few actresses, to see if they would do it (I sent the manuscript one at a time, of course). One famous actress invited me to her home to talk about the play. It’s not that she wanted to take it, she said when I came, the play was too dark for her; it’s that she needed to see with her own eyes that a man wrote it and not a woman. When I was twenty-four I looked fifteen, so that no doubt made it even more jarring for her. She kept saying how she couldn’t believe a man wrote that play, that a man would know so many things about women.

I’ve been getting that reaction to my plays – and to my stories and books – ever since. I like writing about women characters. I like putting them as lead characters. I prefer it that way, in fact.


Read the rest of the article.

Storytelling Tips: Articles for Gaming Companies

May 11, 2011

I have a new regular weekly blog at Gamasutra, a site for gamers and professionals in video game companies. The techniques of storytelling are often underused, overlooked, or ignored by game companies, which rely more on luck than on professional writers to write a good plot.

So far three articles have been published:

Article #1: How to Build a Mystery Within a Mystery in 7 Steps.

Article #2: How to Plan Big Plot Twists in 4 Steps.

Article #3: How to Turn Games into Art.


New Interview at the World SF Blog

April 13, 2011

The World SF Blog is holding its second Author Week. There’s going to be an item about Secret Thoughts every day. 

Charles Tan does the interviewing. Enjoy.

Guest Post: How Do Telepaths Have Sex?

March 10, 2011

SF Signal was kind enough to allow me to guest-post. In it, I talk about the impossible relationships of the characters in Secret Thoughts. Here is the guest post: How Do Telepaths Have Sex?

Online Article: American SF Authors Vs. Foreign SF Authors

May 3, 2010

The Article, ‘American Authors Vs. Foreign Authors‘, has just been published at the World SF Blog.

In my last ‘SF From the Rim’ article, I wrote about writing for two cultures at the same time: the English-speaking SF readers and the ‘foreign’ readers. This time I analyze the differences between the English-speaking authors and the ‘foreign’ authors.

Article on Writing (Hebrew): Creating New Worlds, Part II

March 22, 2010

I had a column, ‘On Writing’, in the Israeli SF magazine, ‘Dreams in Aspamia’. They are reprinted on the web.

Here is a link to the fourth article: Creating New Worlds, Part II.

Article on Writing (Hebrew): Creating New Worlds, Part I

March 22, 2010

I had a column, ‘On Writing’, in the Israeli SF magazine, ‘Dreams in Aspamia’. They are reprinted on the web.

Here is a link to the fourth article: Creating New Worlds, Part I.

Article on Writing (Hebrew): The Writing Exercises

March 22, 2010

I ran two online writing workshops in Israel. When I was done, the organizers of the forum compiled all the exercises and asked me to write a small article introducing them. The article is reprinted here.

Article on Writing (Hebrew): Timing

March 22, 2010

I had a column, ‘On Writing’, in the Israeli SF magazine, ‘Dreams in Aspamia’. They are reprinted on the web.

Here is a link to the third article: Timing.

Article on Writing (Hebrew): Quite the Opposite

March 22, 2010

I had a column, ‘On Writing’, in the Israeli SF magazine, ‘Dreams in Aspamia’. They are reprinted on the web.

Here is a link to the second article: ‘On Writing: Quite the Opposite’.